Segmentation Studio for performing advanced marketing segmentation that will allow marketing professionals to classify existing customers and prospects into various target groups based on different attributes, empowering thus selective marketing.Inventory results based on Fixed Selling Prices (Nivelajica).The Periodic VAT Return is now available through the subsystem of Financial Declarations.New functionality and features have been added to Shipping Plans.New MPS (Master Production Schedule) and MRP (Material Requirements Planning) subsystems.User guidelines and examples are provided where necessary. First, the newly added functionality and features are briefly listed and, then, a detailed presentation follows.

This document aims to report the new features and extensions of EBS Version 2.3.3 Nivelajica entries on price list modification basis.2.3.2 Nivelajica entries on trade transaction basis.2.3 Inventory results based on Fixed Selling Prices (Nivelajica).